I want you to live a meaningful life.

Engage the process

Find freedom from anxiety

Deepen your relationships

The quest for meaning has been in me since the beginning.

From the time I was a child, there was evidence that I wanted a life of purpose. As I came to know Jesus, I found courage for the quest and patience for the process. This attachment to Christ has strengthened me, taught me vulnerability, and freed me to move away from a false self and instead become who He has made me to be. 

One thing that has become obvious to me is that spiritual maturity is not a guarantee. Learning to be still, establishing rhythms, letting go of control, and learning the lost skill of self-reflection have rooted me deeper into the stability of Christ.

20 years of practice and a lifetime of learning.

My experience has had me working in the church, private practice, and in the high school classroom and counseling office. One thing I have learned is, the human condition is the platform for God’s glory to shine in spite of the mess we make and the hardships we face. 

People have described me as a winsome communicator who is motivated to help people flourish as they learn to see their lives in a completely new way. Tired language and a small understanding of God’s goodness are replaced with creativity, eyes to notice how God reveals himself, and hope amid setbacks and grief. The challenges we face in our present culture are not getting easier; the temptation to check out and stay busy is strong. My call is to help us remain present, rooted in the stability of Christ, and grow deeper into spiritual maturity.

After being inspired by my high school English teacher, I studied English at Messiah College and have found in mid-life a fresh way to connect with the Lord through words, poetry, and literature. I did my graduate work in Counseling at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary with the most varied mix of people from all different denominations and walks of life. I have lived with eyes wide open.

My husband, Scott, and I live right outside of Philadelphia, and I’m available to travel anywhere for you and your organization. Speaking of my husband, that’s a story in and of itself that I can’t wait to share with you.